Shooting Range:
Chain Lakes Road
Past the Indian Lake recycling center, First road on left, Follow signs into range.

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 521
Indian Lake, NY 12842

See Our Facebook Page

Join Us

Membership Information:

Memberships run from January 1 to December 31. New members can join the Association at any time during the year. . Adult memberships are $40 and family memberships (which includes 2 adult members of the same household ) are $50.

Click HERE for important changes to our membership policy.

Click here to Request application /release form

All Members are required to know and abide by our range rules found here:

Range Use and Rules

We are an all-volunteer organization and need all the members to lend a hand in one way or another throughout the year. Application for membership implies a commitment to volunteer support to the F & G on an annual basis. This may include working at one of our events, leading an outing, working on range maintenance days, or donating to the Kids Derby or the General Fund. Serving as an officer or on committees such as Range Audit or Treasurer's Audit are other examples.

Membership Chair:  Greg Gregor
